One Billion Rising!


14th Feb 2:30pm at Cubbon Park, Bangalore

Strike - Dance - Rise!

In recent times, we have protested, marched, held vigils against the violence of domestic violence, abductions, rapes, harassment in public spaces, killing of girl children even before they are born.

We have stood against all forms of wars against women; wars of military and armed conflict; of civilization and cultures; of globalization and poverty et al.

We have stood resisting this violence too; for peace.

On 14 February 2013, ONE BILLION women and men who will Rise, Dance, Walk Out and Demand an end to this violence.

Come Join us on 14th February 2013 at Cubbon Park (at Manjula Mantapa, the park entrance from Vittal Mallya Road) at 2.30 PM – to celebrate women’s spaces in the private and the public sphere through dance,
music, poetry and other creative expressions and to add our voice to the billion women and men all over the globe who will on the same day saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – NO MORE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN!

A global strike
An invitation to dance
A call to men and women to refuse to participate in the status quo until rape and rape culture ends
An act of solidarity, demonstrating to women the commonality of their struggles and their power in numbers
A refusal to accept violence against women and girls as a given
A new time and a new way of being"

-Eve Ensler, playwright, author

You can read more about One Billion Rising, at

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.
One billion women violated is an atrocity
One billion women dancing is a revolution

The call for the day is Strike! Dance! Speak out or Simply Stand Up
