Solar Punch is a solar-powered band that uses music to educate about the environment and transmit solutions to climate change. Their sound system is powered by a small PV array mounted atop bandmate Alan Bigelow’s car. They charge batteries and use an inverter to convert the DC from the panels to AC for the P.A. and devices.
Their Mission:
"By using solar energy exclusively to power our performances and demonstrations, we become the solution we hope inspires others. We have developed a portable, solar-powered energy system from off-the shelf parts and use its solar-charged, battery-stored energy to run our P.A., devices, demonstrations and more. The output is more than sufficient to reach hundreds of people for hours and hours...
we inspire by doing | we teach by showing | we learn by inter-acting"
Solar Punch returns to India for a two week follow-up tour of our massively successful 2009 Solutions project with the Indian Youth Climate Network.
The Solar Punch Players have great music pedigrees and are committed to sharing solutions and celebrations about environmentalism and climate change. Collectively, they have worked in dozens of bands. They have learned elements of cultural bridge-building from their brother band Circus Guy and have gained valuable activism guidance from the incredible Indian Youth Climate Network.
They will be performing at JAAGA on Friday the 25th of February 2011at 6 pm in partnership with Climate Leadership India Network.
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