Join the Dots presents......

"The center of the stage is where I am."

Capture this feeling in you…..all in three hours….
A three hour theatre workshop that is designed for anyone from 14-65 years.
A concept that allows you to - 
Express yourself openly
Tap into the hidden talents that you wish to nurture
Find an outlet for your brilliant ideas
Own the joy of creating a new identity in every session
Meet people from different walks of life
Understand yourself and others with an open mind
Pursue a hobby that gets more interesting just by your presence
Perform for an audience
Join the interactive theatre experience…

Date: 30th May 2009 (Saturday)
Duration: 3 hours
Timing: 2.30 – 5.30 pm
Registration fee: Rs.500/-

Venue: MILESTONE (Amelio MediCorp),
No. 7, Norris Road, Richmond Town, Bangalore- 25.
